first of all, best wishes to everybody. We are living hard times,
both with the pandemic and in the seismic business (which impacts
academics, too).
Actually, the SU wiki has been out of order a few days, following a
dokuwiki upgrade (incompatible plugins). It's fixed and the wiki is
now online again.
I remind you that a live community of SU users needs a live wiki (or
equivalent). A live wiki needs authors.
So, feel free to ask an account to feed the wiki with case studies,
tutorials and other interesting material !
PS. Please don't use the cwp mailing list anymore it's not
maintained and new users subscribe to
seisunix@mailman.seismic-unix.org). It may be useful to remove this
address from your address books to avoid automatic completion.
Le 04/01/2021 à 14:48, Halitim Bachir a
écrit :
seisunix mailing list
Unsubscribe: seisunix-unsubscribe@mailman.mines.edu
|Dominique Rousset LFCR UMR5150 / E2S UPPA / Dpt des géosciences|
|Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour BP 1155 F-64013 Pau Cedex - France|
|mailto:dominique.rousset@univ-pau.fr jami:drousset http://lfc.univ-pau.fr|
|Off: +33 559 407 423|Cell: +33 660 861 391|xmpp: dominique@rousset.nom.fr|