In the SU format, the bytes you use for inline and cross line numbers are allocated to SU use (see sukeyword -o ; d2 and f2 are floats in SU). Bytes # 189-192 and # 193-196 are inline/crossline numbers in segy rev1 for 3D post stack data. SU is not 3D fully capable and  segywrite does not use them for segy rev0 output.

I tried this simple test.

suplane | sushw key=d2,f2 a=3,4  | segyhdrs | segywrite tape=plane.segy
segyread tape=plane.segy | surange

tracl    1 32 (1 - 32)
tracr    1 32 (1 - 32)
offset   400
ns       64
dt       4000
d2       0.000000
f2       0.000000


I don't see any solution at the user level without modifying segywrite to introduce header remapping à la segyread.

Within SU, I suggest that you use other keywords to store the inline and cross line numbers (such as swdep/gwdep, 4 bytes integers) and apply header remapping to read the
data in other software. Anyway, using bytes # 189-196 in SU will complicate data display.

suplane | sushw key=swdep,gwdep a=3,4  | segyhdrs | segywrite tape=plane.segy
segyread tape=plane.segy | surange

tracl    1 32 (1 - 32)
tracr    1 32 (1 - 32)
offset   400
swdep    3
gwdep    4
ns       64
dt       4000


Le 20/10/2022 à 01:35, tanahashi.m@gmail.com a écrit :

Dear all,


I have performed a time resample of some 500ns sampled 3D seismic data to 1ms intervals using the suresamp command as shown below, but was unable to transcribe the 189-192 bytes of the Inline and the 192-196 bytes of the crossline numbers.


segyread tape=Source3D.sgy|suresamp rf=0.5|segyhdrs|segywrite tape=Output3D_1ms.sgy


I solved this problem by using the ASCII input/output function for trace header on SeiSee, a free Windows software, to write out the header information of the original file and then write it into the header of the output file.


Is there a way to transcribe inline and crossline numbers using the SU function?


Manabu Tanahashi

Tsukuba, Japan

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