Hi SU users

The SU list manager is broken. At least no new subscription is possible. The las one is dated 09/23. Sticking to mailman2 inhibits the upgrade of the whole hosting system (yunohost.org).
I plan to upgrade to mailman3 soon, keeping as much information as possible from the present mail server.

Don't worry if you receive automatic or test messages in the next hours or days.

BTW: I don't know if this message will be transmitted :-)
|Dominique Rousset           LFCR UMR5150 / E2S UPPA / Dpt des géosciences| 
|Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour BP 1155       F-64013 Pau Cedex - France|
|mailto:dominique.rousset@univ-pau.fr               http://lfc.univ-pau.fr|
|   Off: +33 559 407 423                         Cell: +33 660 861 391    |