Hi Elora,
I don't really understand what you want to do.
- If you really want to see "
structural features" you should compute a stacked section first. This is quite a job if you are a beginner.
- If you want to get a quick look at the prominent geological features of the area, you can extract a near offset section (suwind key=offset min= max=) and perform some basic processing (filtering, gain).

At first glance, some parameters of your data look inconsistent/strange :
- 2356 CMP seems to be small for more than 100 km of seismic line (more than 40 m cdp spacing)
- 40 m of CDP spacing means 80 m between hydrophones => more that 50 km of max offset with 636 channels (not common) but surange says 126 km
This may be ok for wide angle reflection/refraction with OBS but strange for vertical reflection with a streamer. What is the kind of your data ?

Try to run suazimuth offset=1 to check the offset values.

Regarding the sufilter command,
sufilter f=0,5,10,20 amps=0,0,1,1 is equivalent to f=5,10 amps=0,1 i.e. a low cut filter. Is it what you want to do ?

By the way, as a teacher myself, I believe that your problems are beyond the use of SU. Maybe you should spend some time with a good seismic textbook or discussing with your supervisor/teacher. Sorry if I'm wrong.

Enjoy SU !


PS : please, avoid 4 or 6 MB pictures to send just some plain text information, big messages require manual intervention on the list server. Copy/paste text instead.

Le 11/04/2023 à 20:49, Glenn Reynolds a écrit :
Use surange to get the range of headers.

Then use key and min keywords to limit the traces.

Also check your filter settings.  Should amps be 0,1,1,0 instead perhaps?


On Tue, 11 Apr 2023, 21:02 Elora Afrin, <elora.afrin@students.tamuk.edu> wrote:
Greetings! I am working on marine multichannel seismic data. To see structural features, I need to plot twt vs distance plot for last 56 km of the line. It is a very long line and I want to observe only the feaures of last 56 km. However, I am struggling a lot to set x axis values. I typed 
suwind < 5thshot.su tmin=0 tmax=4 j=600 | sugain jon=5 | sufilter f=0,5,10,20 amps=0.,0.,1.,1., | supsimage perc=99 > 5th.ps

It has given me the image of th whole line. Whereasm I am expecting an image like the image I have attached. Please help me out with making such an image. Thanks.
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