Hi Juan,
I think you're right, it's probabaly related to the float samples
of your file instead of older geometrics which used integers.
Included, you'll find a modified seg2segy that we use to read DMT
seg2 (float samples). I succesfully read your seg2file (it seems)
with it.
You must compile it in 32 bits mode
On my Ubuntu box, I use
gcc -m32 -o seg2segy seg2segy.c
It also needs gcc-multilib to link proprely.
You also need to put the segykew.ord file somewhere (for me it's
/usr/local/bin, the code uses the PATH to find it).
seg2 format, unlike seg-y, is
complicated and the header keywords are user (manufacturer)
defined. That's the use of the segykeyw.ord file, a kind of
dictionary to translate seg2 keywords into seg-y ones.
I hope that it will help.
By the way, seg2segy is the grand son (male ?) of a MS-DOS code by
Bennett, modified by Hervé Perroud (a former colleague in Pau, now
retired) and others. It clearly needs some update and
cleaning... If anyone is interested in this work, he/she is
welcome !
Le 29/09/2020 à 17:51, Juan Lorenzo a
écrit :
Sunix users:
Do you have any advice on the correct use of seg2segy? What am I
not understanding?
Any words of wisdom would be most helpful. Thanks in advance, Juan
I am having difficulty converting SEG2 formatted files into SEGY
and SU files.
seg2segy 2.dat 1 > 2.sgy (BAD)
segyread tape=2.sgy >2.su (BAD)
suximage < 2.su & (BAD)
suximage < 2_clean.su (GOOD)
Screenshot shows GOOD on left and BAD on right
CentOS8 linux box
cygwin (64) on Windows10.
2.dat (a SEG2 file from a Geometrics box)
2.sgy, 2.su
Screenshot in png format of suximage-generated plots.
-For reference, I converted a test file (2.dat) successfully from
SEG2 to SU format using sioseis under CentOS8
This "GOOD" file is 2_clean.su
-"BAD" means that I am able to obtain a plot which shows
amplitudes that seem too large-- with streaks
about the middle of the plot(file)
-"BAD" means that I can read the trace header values in HEX, the
numbers are correct
but that the data values seem too large.
-When I convert from seg2segy I get data value warnings (=0 and
< 0), and the data format appears to be in 4-byte integer
-I have tried changed "scale" values in seg2segy.c and recompiling
but I still get poor results.
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