Hello all
About my Zero offset synthetic VSP data, I thought something but I am not
sure about the effect of this issue. If I get rid of the first three traces
from the data before picking arrivals (deleting or killing), and continuing
next process steps, that give rise to any effect for results? If not so,
How should I write for getting rid of these three traces?
I added my screenshot (plus signs denotes picking)
Thank you
Hello All
I have a script I am using for Zero Offset VSP processing. First of all, my
first three traces looked cut so I rejected them. After getting rejected
file, I filtered out the downgoing wavefield by sudipfilt. Then, I picked
arrivals on the zero amplitude line corresponding to picking amplitudes.
Then, I converted those arrival times (seconds) to milliseconds and saving
them in a txt.file. After that, txt file is converted from ascii to binary
format. Finally, I am adding those time values to the traces by
sustatic command.
At this point, however, when I try to plot the flattened upgoings, the
script plots just a so narrow part as follows:
[image: fkfiltflat.PNG]
Can you help me with this issue? I tried to change a lot of things but I
could not get whole flattened upgoings.
If you would like to check my script, I added here.
Thank you
Hi everyone
John has set up a new 44 minor release of Seismic Unix (R19). Thank you
John !
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|Dominique Rousset LFCR UMR5150 / E2S UPPA / Dpt des géosciences|
|Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour BP 1155 F-64013 Pau Cedex - France|
|mailto:dominique.rousset@univ-pau.fr jami:drousset http://lfc.univ-pau.fr|
|Off: +33 559 407 423|Cell: +33 660 861 391|xmpp: dominique(a)rousset.nom.fr|
There are a few bug fixes. I have put in a few epidemiological modeling codes in regard to our current situation with the Coronavirus. These items may be of interest for those teaching ordinary differential equations. Also, this modeling approach could be modified for oil and gas field production modeling.
John Stockwell
Visit: https://wiki.Seismic-Unix.org
The new home of Seismic Un*x
Hello Again
Can someone show me how I should assign the slope values (for example 4
values) in sudipfilt? If it is possible, showing on the screenshot, that
would be great.
My data ( synthetic Zero offset VSP) parameters: my first geophone's
position is 1000m depth, and the last geophone's position is 3000m depth.
The Geophone interval is 20 m.
I added my data.
(Are there any visual sources for sudipfilt or any other things that I can
Thank you
Hello Everyone
I said before that I was trying to do Zero Offset VSP Processing. To do
that, I tried to use free software is called MVSP and Crewes toolbox. My
problem is that I can start picking first break arrivals from 4th trace,
and I can not see and pick the first three traces when I look at the data
during the picking.
The first software itself assigns negative values for the first three
traces, which results in negative velocities. On the Crewes, I am trying to
assign values like 0.001 0.002 0.003 before the 4th trace because the 4th
trace's time is 0.006, which probably gives rise to wrong velocities.
In short, Can I do anything about this issue on Seismic Unix? Is there any
chance to fix it?
I added one of my files and the screenshot zoomed where the problem is. I
modeled and created this data on different code (fdelmodc). **The data is
passive data, and I utilized the noises, recording 120s. So, when you look
at my data, you need to zoom in to see closely.
Thank you
Best regards
Hello All
I am trying to move step by step on Zero Offset VSP Processing. Now, I am
trying to apply band pass filtering to my data using this:
*sufilter < xcor_output_20_sources_B1.su f=5,10,15,20 amps=0,1,1,0 |
filter_data.su <http://filter_data.su>*
However, I did not understand how I should define the frequencies. I tried
to leave the first two frequencies constant and changed the next two
frequencies little by little. Then, I tried to subtract each other, using
*sudiff file1.su <http://file1.su> file2.su <http://file2.su> > diff.su
Is there any effective way to choose these 4 frequencies in bandpass
How should I learn my frequencies?
If you would like to check, I added my file here.
Best Regards
Hello All
I am trying to apply bandpass filtering but I don't understand how should I
define the frequencies in my data
*sufilter < xcor_output_20_sources_B1.su f=5,10,15,20 amps=0,1,1,0
| filter_data.su <http://filter_data.su/>*
How can I choose right frequencies (f values) in filtering?
Thank you
Hello All
I am trying to pick first break arrivals in Zero Offset VSP on the
Crewes toolbox and another software. My problem is that I start picking
from 4th trace because I cannot see the first three traces when I look at
my data, which results in wrong velocities.
My data is passive zero-offset VSP data, utilizing ambient noise sources. I
created this by using a modeling code.
I added one of my data and the problem's screenshot
Can I fix this on Seismic Unix?
I am looking for a software for Zero Offset Processing, but all softwares
are required money. I've found this mailing list. So, I can try Seismic
Unix for this. However, I guess it is tough doing Zero Offset VSP
processing on Seismic Unix.
Still, I want to ask. Does anyone have VSP fundamental processing scripts?
If so, I would be appreciated.
Thank you