I need to use CSM program seaview to display f-k plots and I have various questions related to seaview. I will appreciate your answers on them.
- current palettes (map) for variable intensity plot sub option of display option of seaview are very limited.
- is it possible to build and install new palettes. If so how? - if yes, does anyone have aleady built better palettes(maps)? - Is it possible to change vertical plot label from "Time(seconds)" to "Frequency(Hertz)". İf yes., how? - when trace samples really show frequencies instead of time samples (as in f-k plot) using actual frequency interval (eg 0.115 Hz) makes highest frequency to show like 0.125 ms or 0.250 ms. I would have preferred 125ms and 250ms (although I would prefer 125Hz and 250Hz) but using 1000 times frequecy increment is creating problems in binary header value in microsecond with seaview (ıt shows as a negative value). This must be a bug in seaview. Do any of you have a similar experience?
Necati Gülünay n.gulunay@protonmail.com +90 541 842 0069
Web. https://www.seisdatapro.com
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------- Original Message ------- On Monday, May 9th, 2022 at 19:11, rob rob@xsgeo.com wrote:
I compiled a short blog on WSL recently for seismic unix. In my view it's the best Windows option in 2022.
https://tonnta-energy.com/wp/seismic-unix-on-windows/ Sent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message -------- From: Dominique ROUSSET dominique.rousset@univ-pau.fr Date: 09/05/2022 16:31 (GMT+00:00) To: seisunix@mailman.seismic-unix.org Subject: Re: [Seisunix] Request of information Hi Giulia, As you can read, seismic unix is easy to install and run on... unix-like systems (mainly linux and mac os).
Some people have used it natively on windows using Cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/). Cygwin will bring a bunch of software to windows in order to mimic a unix system. I hope someone on the list can help you with this.
An other way to run SU on a MS-Windows PC is to use virtualization, running WSL2 on windows (or virtualbox, vmware slower than WSL2 but maybe more portable). In that case you will run a linux over windows system, with potential sharing of your disk and peripherals between the windows host and the linux guest. WSL2 is a genuine microsoft software while virtualbox is free/libre software. It seems that WSL2 has been improved on recent windows releases (the X-server is now included. To be verified). I'm sure that numerous users on this list use wsl2.
I hope it helps !
Le 09/05/2022 à 17:12, nickag64759@gmail.com a écrit :
Dear sirs,
I am a university student in Geology and I am interested in the use of cwp-su package.
I would like to use it on my Windows 10 64 bit PC: does cwp-su be used on that kind of platform ?
In the case which is/are the requirements ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Seisunix mailing list Seisunix@mailman.seismic-unix.org
-- |Dominique Rousset LFCR UMR5150 / E2S UPPA / Dpt des géosciences| |Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour BP 1155 F-64013 Pau Cedex - France| | mailto:dominique.rousset@univ-pau.fr jami:drousset http://lfc.univ-pau.fr%7C |Off: +33 559 407 423|Cell: +33 660 861 391|xmpp: dominique@rousset.nom.fr|