Hi, I would build a command line in a text file and read it with the par= option (common to all SU tools)
I assume that the shotnumbers are ep and strictly positive. 1) transform the column file into a line (shot numbers separated by a comma) using paste -sd , <columnshotfile >lineshotfile
add the accept= option at the beginning of the line (with a text editor or script)
2) use suwind key=ep max=0 par=lineshotfile <allshots.su >selectedshots.su
Le 11/10/2020 à 08:51, Fateh Bouchaala a écrit :
Dear all,
With suwind command, I want to accept only some shots listed in a one column file (I have many files). How can I make suwind read directly from the file.
I tried “suwind <sufile.su key=tracf max=0 accept=$file” however, it only reads the first shot’s id.
I appreciate if you can help me.
Dr. Fateh Bouchaala
Assistant Professor
Earth Science
P O Box 127788, , UAE
T +971 2 675 168
F +971 2 447 2442