testing archiving of new messages
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Le 17/10/2022 à 16:11, Dominique ROUSSET a écrit :
testing archiving of new messages
|Dominique Rousset LFCR UMR5150 / E2S UPPA / Dpt des géosciences| |Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour BP 1155 F-64013 Pau Cedex - France| |mailto:dominique.rousset@univ-pau.fr http://lfc.univ-pau.fr%7C | Off: +33 559 407 423 Cell: +33 660 861 391 |
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Dear Users,
there is a way to “swap” a seismic section made of N traces ?
To better explain: I need to “rotate” the section of 180 degree, so the first must be at the end of the section and the last must be at he the beginning.
suflip flip=3 <in.su >out.su
On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 7:49 PM nickag64759@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Users,
there is a way to “swap” a seismic section made of N traces ?
To better explain: I need to “rotate” the section of 180 degree, so the first must be at the end of the section and the last must be at he the beginning.
Giulia _______________________________________________ Seisunix mailing list -- seisunix@mailman.seismic-unix.org To unsubscribe send an email to seisunix-leave@mailman.seismic-unix.org